Return Policy

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it in its original condition within 10 days of the invoice date and we’ll give you a full refund of the purchase price, excluding shipping and handling charges.

To make a return, please contact us on our contact page within 10 days of the invoice date to submit your request together with the proof of purchase (a copy of the official receipt) for the product (s) being returned, and a member of our staff will contact you thereafter to provide assistance and further instructions.

A return will not be possible without first contacting our staff via the Contact page and acquiring a Return Authorization Code.

We may, in our sole and absolute discretion, charge a restocking fee of 5% of the purchase price of the product returned.

Additionally, you will have to bear all delivery costs (if any) associated with the return and exchange of the product. Once we have confirmed the return of your product, we will arrange for delivery of your newly selected product to your shipping address.

All products must be returned to us in original and brand-new condition, showing no signs of wear or use. The returned products must also include all original packaging, seals, accessories, and still have their protective materials un-removed and intact.

This Return and Exchange Policy does not apply to items with marked-down prices, as they will be sold as-is.

This Return and Exchange Policy does not apply to the following product (s) which are non-returnable: ALL BATH SOAKS

Due to COVID, Soul Liberation cannot accept any returns on BATH SOAK purchases.

We may, in our sole and absolute discretion, amend the terms of this Return and Exchange Policy at any time and without notice to you.