Welcome to a transformative journey that seamlessly blends the wisdom of the Soul with the Alchemy of life success through the advanced method of accessing your Akashic Records.

The Journey Begins Within


The Journey Begins Within -

Akashic Record Alchemy Reading

This is more than a session; it's the beginning of extraordinary self-awareness and alignment.

The Journey Begins Within


The Journey Begins Within -

The Akashic Records, often described as a cosmic library or a metaphysical database, an ethereal compendium of all the thoughts, experiences, and choices every soul has ever made, across lifetimes. Picture it as an infinite, spiritual record of each individual's journey, encompassing past, present, and potential future events.

When you find yourself caught in those perplexing cycles of repeating patterns, despite your best efforts to change, it's often a sign that these patterns are rooted much deeper than your current life's experiences. They are imprints, often from past lifetimes, encoded in your soul's memory, and carried over into your present life. These imprints can manifest as unexplained fears, repeated mistakes, or seemingly unbreakable habits, creating a sense of stagnation or unfulfillment. It's like an invisible script playing in the background of your life, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

This is where the Akashic Records become a vital tool for transformation. By accessing these records, you can unveil the hidden stories, the unaddressed wounds, and the unresolved karmic debts that are subtly steering your life's course. It’s a process of uncovering the root causes of your current challenges, not just the symptoms. This revelation brings with it the power of understanding, the clarity of why certain events or patterns keep surfacing in your life.

But it's not just about revelation; it's also about resolution. Through the Akashic Records, we can perform energetic clearings and healings, releasing those old karmic patterns and making space for new, positive experiences. It's a path to breaking free from the old cycles, allowing you to write a new script for your life, one that aligns with your truest self and your highest potential.

What to Expect

The Journey Begins Within


The Journey Begins Within -

Profound Journey of Self-Discovery:

Embark on an unparalleled journey to unlock the hidden depths of your true self at the very core of your being.

Soul’s Origin and Divine Gifts: Gain insights into your soul’s origin, your divine gifts, and unveil your dedicated team of spirit guides supporting your life’s journey.

Illuminating Hidden Influences: Shine a light on persistent negative thought forms, traits impacting your chakras, and karmic debts from past lives that may be hindering your desired life.

Energetic Clearing and Tailored Work: Benefit from energetic clearing in your Akashic Record, along with customized clearing work designed specifically for you.

Bridge to a Life of Purpose: Break free from past constraints, paving your way to a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and limitless potential.

Divine Guidance and Chakra Alignment

  • Spirit Guide Session

    Explore the Depths of Your Spiritual Journey with Spirit Guide Session

    Discover Hidden Wisdom: Exclusive insights into your spirit guide's profound wisdom—uncover their names, gender, and unique roles within your celestial team. Intrigued? This is your opportunity to satisfy that curiosity.

    Navigate Divine Connections: Have you ever felt those subtle nudges from the universe? Uncover the ingenious ways your spirit guides capture your attention and communicate with you. Watch as the enigma unfolds before your eyes.

    Unveil Cosmic Origins: Take a deep dive into the origins of your spirit guides, gaining a profound understanding of their soul group and primary energy center. Peer into the cosmic tapestry that shapes their very essence.

    Elevate Your Vibration: Acquire knowledge about your guide's distinctive vibration rate—a crucial element for enhancing your spiritual resonance and alignment with the universe.

    Receive Personalized Messages: Open the gateway to messages from your guides—insights tailor-made for your journey, offering profound clarity and purpose. These words wield the power to bring about transformation.

    Let Our Enlightening Session Guide You: Unravel the mysteries of your spiritual team with our expert session. Armed with this knowledge, you'll possess the tools to collaborate effectively with them, amplifying the purpose of your life.


  • Chakra Analysis Session

    Feel the weight of emotional and mental fatigue dragging you down? It's more than just a passing phase. Our Chakra Analysis Session goes beyond the surface, delving into the very core of your well-being.

    Discover Hidden Imbalances: Uncover the imbalances in your chakras—a reflection of emotional and mental energies that may be silently wreaking havoc within. Ignoring these imbalances could manifest as physical ailments—address the root cause now.

    Restore Your Vital Energy: Imbalanced chakras disrupt the natural flow of vital energy, potentially leading to dis-ease in your body. Don't let these disruptions dictate your well-being—take control and realign your energies.

    Empower Yourself: Armed with the knowledge of your chakra imbalances, you'll have the insights needed to make informed choices. What changes can you make? What adjustments are necessary? Take charge of your health and reclaim your vitality.

    Reclaim Your Balance: Our session offers a deep and profound understanding of your chakra system. Don't settle for a life plagued by imbalances—unlock the potential for healing and inner harmony.

    Embark on this transformative journey and seize the power of chakra balancing today. Your vibrant, balanced life is just a session away.


 For your convenience all sessions are available by appointment only and can be conducted via Zoom or Phone


 For your convenience all sessions are available by appointment only and can be conducted via Zoom or Phone -

At Soul Liberation, your trust and comfort are paramount. To facilitate our transformative services, we kindly request your consent to access your Akashic Record. As you proceed through the booking and checkout process, you'll encounter a set of essential questions designed to ensure a tailored and meaningful experience for you.

Your journey with us is guided by respect, care, and a commitment to your spiritual well-being

Ceria Woodrit and Soul Liberation LLC, want to emphasize that our services and information are not intended to substitute the expertise of qualified professionals, including but not limited to those in the fields of medical, financial, or psychological services. Our offerings are presented solely for informational purposes, and the positive experiences shared by past clients do not guarantee or predict individual outcomes.

We strongly encourage all clients to conduct their own research and exercise discernment when making decisions. When you choose to book and receive our services, you acknowledge that you are personally responsible for any choices or actions you undertake based on the information and insights provided. Furthermore, by engaging with our services, you agree to release Ceria Woodrit and Soul Liberation LLC from any liability or claim that may arise from the use of our offerings.

Your well-being is our utmost priority, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in making informed decisions on your personal journey.