Reiki is an energy healing practice that operates on a subtle, energetic level. The efficacy of Reiki is influenced by the energy fields it must permeate. As it flows through the body, it targets the areas most in need, whether or not you are consciously aware of them. By working with the energy that permeates every aspect of our being, Reiki can facilitate a holistic healing process that promotes the highest good, love, and light for all involved.

All Reiki Sessions Are Conducted Remotely


All Reiki Sessions Are Conducted Remotely -

Reiki Session Descriptions

  • Karuna Ki Reiki

    Karuna Ki Reiki Session is a unique blend of Usui Reiki and compassionate energy that works to amplify your healing abilities on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. By receiving this service, you can experience improved overall well-being, a profound sense of relaxation and inner peace, and a surge in energy and vitality. That can lead to greater overall well-being, a deeper sense of peace and relaxation, and increased energy and vitality.


  • Gold Reiki

    Experience the powerful benefits of Gold Reiki, a gentle energy that focuses on aligning and balancing your first and second chakras, expanding your consciousness, and filling your aura with a beautiful golden light. Through this transformative energy, fear is dissolved, blockages are removed, and a sense of calm and inner peace is restored. Trust in the healing power of Gold Reiki to bring positive transformation to your mind, body, and spirit.


  • Galactic Reiki

    Experience the next level of spiritual growth and empowerment with our Galactic Reiki Session. By focusing on the higher chakras, this remote energy healing session can help you tap into your inner power and potentially enhance your psychic abilities. You may also feel a stronger connection with your spirit guides, opening up new realms of spiritual insight and growth.


  • Kundalini Reiki

    Discover the transformative power of Kundalini Reiki, a divine energy healing modality that harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. Elevating your energy flow that clears stagnant energy, promoting a harmonious flow throughout your entire being. Assisting you in release emotional traumas stored in the energy body, fostering emotional resilience and inner peace. Promoting overall well-being and a heightened sense of awareness. That supports the body's natural healing process.


Eternal Bliss Reiki Bundle


Embark on a three-week transformative journey with our Eternal Bliss Kundalini Reiki Package.

Over the course of three sessions, each lasting 45 minutes, you'll experience the powerful energies of DNA Reiki, Crystalline Reiki, and Location Reiki.

This unique fusion is crafted to address deep-seated fears, unlock childhood baggage, and liberate you from draining spaces, creating a sacred harmony within.

  • Unlocking Childhood Baggage:

    Childhood issues can leave lasting imprints, creating blockages that affect us in adulthood.

    Crystalline Reiki acts as a soothing balm for these unresolved knots, gently untangling emotional baggage from the root chakra.

    The healing currents of Crystalline Reiki, serves as a catalyst for resolving any blockages that may have originated from unresolved childhood matters.

    Allowing the soothing energy of Crystalline Reiki to create a harmonious flow, paving the way for inner balance and well-being

  • Addressing Deep-Seated Fears:

    Ever feel haunted by persistent fears, like the constant worry of never having enough or the fear of being abandoned?

    The power of this remarkable variation of Reiki is tailored for addressing past life issues.

    Frequently, deep-seated fears such as "poverty consciousness" or the "fear of abandonment" become imprinted in our DNA from past lifetimes.

    This form of Reiki specializes in gently unraveling and releasing these embedded issues, offering a transformative path to healing.

  • Breaking Free from Draining Spaces:

    Have you ever felt a lingering heaviness in certain places?

    Location Reiki understands that energetic cords can form between individuals and spaces, acting like unseen ties that either uplift or drain you.

    Location Reiki, a profound tool in addressing the energetic connections between individuals and physical spaces, whether in this lifetime or across past incarnations. In instances where cords have formed between a person and a specific location, this Reiki becomes a vital key.

    Location Reiki steps in to sever those connections. By removing the negative frequencies, this unique Reiki assists in breaking free from toxic ties and reclaiming your energy from spaces that may be unintentionally draining it.


All Reiki Sessions Are Conducted Remotely


All Reiki Sessions Are Conducted Remotely -

Reiki energy services are conducted remotely, allowing you to experience the comfort and relaxation of your own personal space.

Reiki session lasts for 45 minutes, during which our experienced practitioners will work on your energy field, promoting a sense of calm, balance, and well-being.

Reiki energy will assist you in releasing any blockages or imbalances that are preventing you from feeling your best. Our remote sessions are designed to be convenient, accessible, and effective, allowing you to experience the benefits of Reiki energy healing from wherever you are.


Information and service(s) provided by Ceria Woodrit and or from this website is not intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical, financial, psychological, or otherwise). The services offered on this website are for informational purposes only. Client testimonies do not guarantee nor predict the outcome of another individual's experience. This website is sharing information about energy work based on the experiences of Soul Liberation LLC. You are strongly encouraged to do your research and make your decisions based on your inner knowing. By booking and receiving service(s), you agree to fully release Ceria Woodrit and Soul Liberation LLC from any liability or claim that may arise from any service(s) provided.