What is Reiki?

Reiki is universal energy. Some cultures have different names for this energy such as chi, ki, and prana, but they all refer to the same life force flowing through us all. 

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki works by releasing energetic blockages on physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual levels. When the blockages are released, the mind and body can relax. Reiki is a complementary energy modality it is not a medical treatment

Do I need to prepare for Distance Reiki?

Yes. It is recommended that you sit down or lay down in a comfortable place where you will not be interrupted.  

What happens after a Reiki session?

After a session, drink at least 1-2 glasses of water, and ground your energy to help move all of the blocked energy that was released Resting is highly recommended for the next few hours.

Do you need additional information to send distance Reiki?

No photos or electronic devices are needed to transmit the energy. Since it does follow the principles of Quantum Physics, Ceria can send Reiki to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. 

Is Reiki a religion?

No. Reiki is not a religion. You do not have to change your religious or spiritual beliefs. You are encouraged to make your own decisions concerning your religious practices.

 Do I have to stop seeing my Doctor receive Reiki?

No. Reiki works in conjunction with regular medical or psychological treatment. If one has any medical or psychological condition, it is highly recommended that you continue to see a licensed health care professional. Reiki energy works in harmony with all other forms of healing that may assist with improving results.

Are there any side effects to Reiki?

Reiki treatments vary from person to person. The energy of Reiki encourages one to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear, or other negative feelings. As your vibration raises toxins that are stored in the body will be released. When this happens, you may get a headache, or stomach ache. If this happens, ground yourself by drinking more water, eat lighter meals, and rest. Your body is cleansing and healing, this a positive sign

What does Reiki feel like?

Reiki treatment varies from person to person based on your level of energy sensitivity. At that time, you may feel many things or nothing at all. However, feelings of deep relaxation are usually felt by all. Some drift off to sleep, see colors, temperature changes, and other mystical experiences. At the end of the treatment, one feels refreshed and balanced.  

What symptoms can be treated Reiki?

Reiki has a positive effect on all forms of negative conditions. Post-Operative pain, depression stress reduction, anxiety, headaches are just a few.   

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Record is the story of your soul.  An energetic record of your soul’s journey through space and time of the universe

How long do Soul Profile Readings last?

A Soul Profile Session is generally for an hour and fifteen minutes. This gives most people the opportunity to ask any questions they have.   

How often do I need a Soul Profile Reading?

I recommend that you wait at least 30 days between Readings unless you are experiencing an intense and swift life change.

When should I purchase a Soul Profile Reading?

This is something only you would know by going within. Some people are guided by their intuition and heart. While others are ready to let go of limiting beliefs, bad habits, past trauma, fear, and confusion.   

What information is revealed in your Akashic record?

Your Akashic Record will reveal what you are willing to intentionally take responsibility for.

How do I provide my permission for a soul profile reading

Once you select a session type you will be directed to the next page to fill out the permission forms

What happens after I purchase a Soul Profile session?

It may take 7-10 business days to complete a comprehensive reading for you. Once completed you will receive an email from Soul Liberation providing you with a direct link to Ceria’s calendar to schedule your reading at a time that works best for you

What will be cleared in my Akashic record?

Clearing work is not the same for everyone. Specific details surrounding your customized clearing work will be discussed with you during your reading